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Chlorine Handling and Disinfection Processes <8036>.

Typical Course Length: 4.5 days

Course Times: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

CEUs: 2.4

This 4.5 day course is designed for the operators who are or will be responsible for the operations of the disinfection process or processes. This hands-on and theoretical study course will provide the operator with a complete understanding, and the ability to apply and analyze the purpose, procedures, mathematical equations, operation and maintenance of the disinfection processes (existing, new or up and coming) for water and wastewater systems through classroom study and hands-on labs. Course topics are: 

1. Disinfection Basics   - Re-enforce the principles of disinfection

2. Chlorine - Understand the principles, application and safety aspects of chlorine gas

3. Chlorine Compounds - Identify and understand the concepts and applications for chlorine compound

4. Ultra Violet - Understand the principles, application and safety aspects of ultraviolet

5. Ozonation - Discuss the principles, application and safety aspects of Ozonation

6. Additional Processes - Discuss and identify the other processes that are utilized for disinfection

CEUs (2.4) Core - SWS, SWWS, WD,WT, WWC,BWD 

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