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Small Water Systems <8037>.

Typical Course Length: 3 days

Course Times: 8:30am to 4:30pm

CEUs: 1.8

The Small Water Systems course provides a working knowledge of water distribution and water treatment practices, focusing on the basic aspects of system construction, operations, and maintenance. This 3 day course will be of value to all operators of water distribution and/or water treatment systems, particularly those that serve a population of less than 500

Regulations & Responsibilities - Understand the operator requirements and the regulatory requirements 

Watersheds, Sources & Wells - Identify the water sources for a small water system

Treatment - Acknowledge the requirements and methods for treatment

Storage & Math - Comprehend the math formulas used for volume, dosage and cleaning

Disinfection - Understand disinfection principles and the application, of hypo chlorination

Distribution Systems - Recognize the purpose of maintaining and troubleshooting a distribution system

Water Quality & Sampling - Understand and define water quality along with the proper techniques for sampling

Safety - Re-enforce the necessity and requirements of Safety


MTS will coordinate with EOCP for an examination session to follow this course.

** Note: Environmental Operator Certification Program Certification Exams require separate application online and are to be completed through the EOCP Customer Relationship Management System at https://crm.eocp.ca/  and to be submitted no later than 16 business days prior to the posted date of the scheduled exam.

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