Web Based Emergency Response Plan Development System

Emergency preparedness is something many consider but often don’t act on until it’s too late or the health authority mandates it as a condition on a permit to operate. MTS has worked with many utilities requiring the development and implementation of an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and have streamlined the process using our Template Editor (TE) system. Access to the system is by secure login to our server where all the templates and documents are stored. The development process is straight forward, simply login then:

  1. Populate the mail merge fields that fit your utility, delete the ones not required, organize as desired
  2. Select the templates that fit your utility
  3. Edit / customize the templates to fit your utility
  4. Merge from your customized mail merge contact list
  5. Print...

Emergency Response Plan development templates includes:

MTS Template Editor provides utilities with a user friendly and simple method for creating, maintaining and updating ERP documents as well as Cross Connection Control Program manuals, Maintenance Management Plans, and whatever other documents require updating using a secure mail merge engine like the MTS TE Please contact our office for additional details.

We are located at 4500 29th Street, Vernon, BC, Canada | Call us at (250) 503-0893 |
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